About Us
The Equine Approach originally began in 1995, when two friends came together in a therapeutic riding program and saw a need for personal growth services beyond what was offered there. We enjoyed quite a few years of successful programming with both individuals and groups such as Pikes Peak Mental Health Center (now Diversus Health), Roundup Fellowship, CASA, Lewis Palmer School District and Full Circle Alternatives. Life changes intervened and we moved on to other things, but life has a way of cycling. In 2017 The Equine Approach was called into service with an even greater pool of professionalism, experience, quality and commitment to draw from.
Our People
Our instructors are certified through the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship, Int’l (PATH) as Therapeutic Riding Instructors and/or Equine Specialists in Mental Health and Learning. We bring over 35 years of professional therapeutic horsemanship experience, as well as a certified Equine Massage Therapist. Staff designing our corporate curriculum has over 25 years of first line and mid-level management in the public sector with explicit leadership program education and background.
Biography info on Nancy Beers
Nancy became involved with horses at an early age. What they taught her about relationships and behavior provided a foundation for becoming a mental health worker as an adult. Introduced to therapeutic horsemanship in 1984, she found the perfect blend of her interests. She is a PATH Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor, as well as Equine Specialist in Mental Health and Learning, Mentor and a CHA Certified Riding Instructor. In addition to direct facilitation, she provides program direction, support and training to other professionals locally and nationally. She is involved in PATH, Intl, as workshop faculty on the national level, helping to provide education and certification to its members. Her passion is offering a bridge between horses and humans to enhance each one’s learning, growth and quality of life.
Biography info on Nickole Aubuchon
Nickole started riding at ten years old in Northern California. She spent years showing hunter/jumpers and working on a dude ranch. After high school she moved to Colorado and joined the military soon after. For many years she tried to find her place in the horse world, but found it difficult until she started volunteering at a therapeutic riding center in 2009. There she found her passion teaching people about horses in a way that benefits both the human and the animal. She went on to become a PATH Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor and a certified equine massage therapist.
Biography info on Terry Pratt
Terry is a retired Federal public servant with over 25 years of first and second line management experience. She worked with a variety of Federal, State, and local government entities, health care providers, and advocacy organizations to develop and design health care programs for our Nation’s most vulnerable long term care populations. In addition to her long-term care services background, she has explicit leadership/team building training and experience used during and throughout her Federal career. Terry has a passion for animals and helping others. Her personal and professional mission statement is grounded in “making a difference.” Upon retirement (aka her “encore years”), she again pursued her volunteer work with equine therapies. In addition to previously owning her own horse for pleasure riding, she is currently a registered PATH member and pursing her PATH certification.
We are conveniently located in Colorado Springs CO. at Prairie Springs Farm, https://www.facebook.com/prairiespringsfarm/. We are a available for visitors by appointment only, please call ahead. We are also available to travel to your barn for clinics, horsemanship lessons, or other services.
Contact us by email at: [email protected]
or on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/theequineapproach/
or on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/theequineapproach/